The Secret of Joomta Revealed....Take a look - SAHEL ENTERTAINMENT

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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Secret of Joomta Revealed....Take a look

How Joomta Works:

Click here to register
 for free on the Joomta website.

Start referring friends and acquaintances.

Whenever you refer someone to join, you earn N400. If you refer 10 people, you earn N4,000. If you refer 30 people, you earn N12,000. And if you refer 100 people, you earn N40,000. The maximum number of people you’re allowed to refer in a month is 100 people.

Ownership of multiple accounts is not allowed.

Joomta pays referrers on the third day of the next month. So if you earn N24,000 this March, you’ll be paid your N24,000 earning on the 3rd day of April next month. If the 3rd day of a month falls on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday), you’ll be paid on the working day (Monday) immediately following that weekend.

How Joomta Makes Money

Joomta makes money by displaying popup adverts to Joomta  users whenever they’re on the website. It is from the revenue generated by those adverts that referrers are paid, and because we earn far more from the popup adverts on our site than we pay out to our referrers, we don’t need to charge Joomta users any form of fee to join, so Joomta will always remain free to join.

Click here to register

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